Second Episode of Jujutsu Kaisen
Titled "For Myself," The story continues following Yuji Itadori after he has consumed one of Sukuna's fingers and gained extraordinary strength. Here's a detailed summary of the e pisode: The episode opens with Satoru Gojo, a powerful jujutsu sorcerer and teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical High School, discussing the situation concerning Yuji Itadori with his colleagues. They deliberate over the decision to execute Yuji due to his possession by Sukuna, the malevolent curse Satoru Gojo 10 second fight with Sukuna Meanwhile, Yuji wakes up in a detention room, having survived the fusion with Sukuna's finger. He is visited by Megumi Fushiguro, who explains the seriousness of his situation and the potential threat he poses now that he's the vessel for Sukuna's power. Megumi asks Yuji about his intentions and determination to control Sukuna's strength. Yuji wakes up in a detention room To assess Yuji's potential, Megumi challenges him to ...